Tập tin:Siphon Lock Overview.png

Từ Từ nguyên Tiếng Việt

Siphon_Lock_Overview.png(800×600 điểm ảnh, kích thước tập tin: 150 kB, kiểu MIME: image/png)

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Miêu tả

Cut-away rendering of siphon lock, with number annotations and an indication of the pressure depth of the water inside the lock.

Miêu tả 3D computer graphics showhing a cut-away overview of siphon lock
Nguồn gốc Tác phẩm được tạo bởi người tải lên
Tác giả Søren Peo Pedersen
Giấy phép
(Dùng lại tập tin)

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POV-Ray code

This image was rendered using the Persistence of Vision Raytracer (or POV-Ray for short), using the scene description code shown below. To render, POV-Ray needs access to the "Timesbd.ttf" TrueType font file, which is used for the number annotations.

 Annotated cut-away rendering of the siphon lock
 Created by Søren Peo Pedersen - see my user pa-
 ge at http://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruger:Peo
 #declare txtRedCutFace=texture {  // Texture for cutaway surfaces on pipework:
   pigment {color rgb <1,0,0>} // <== Edit this line to change color
   finish {ambient .4}
 #declare txtPipeMetal=texture { // Metal testure used for the pipework
   pigment {color rgb .4}
   finish {ambient .4 reflection .4 metallic 1 phong 1}
 #declare CleanWater=material {        // Texture for (relatively)
   texture {                           // clean water inside the
     pigment {color rgbf <.8,.9,1,1>}  // siphon lock
     finish {ambient .4 reflection .1}
   interior {ior 1.3}
 #declare FilthyWater=material {       // Texture for filthy water
   texture {                           // in the large sewage pipe
     pigment {
       granite                           // Lumpy appearance...!
       color_map {
         [0 color rgbf <.6,.73,.75,1>]   // Has a more "sick" color
         [.3 color rgbf <.6,.73,.75,1>]  // and spots or "lumps"
         [1 color rgbf <.6,.5,.3,.6>]    // with brownish color!    
       scale <10,3,3>
     finish {ambient .4 reflection .1}
   interior {ior 1.3}
 #declare SemicircPipe=difference {  // Semicircular
   torus {2,1}                       // piece of pipe
   torus {2,.9}
   plane {<0,0,-1>,0}
   rotate <-90,0,0>
 #declare SemicircWater=difference { // Shape of the water
   torus {2,.901}                    // volume inside above-
   plane {<0,0,-1>,-.001}            // mentioned pipe.
   rotate <-90,0,0>
 difference {  // Cut-away of plumbing:
   merge { // Plumbing:
     // The "sink" symbolizing the source of waste water:
     /* Hole at bottom */ difference {torus {1.3,.4 translate <-4,4,0>} torus {1.3,.3 translate <-4,3.8,0>} cylinder {<-4,3.8,0>,<-4,6,0>,1.3 inverse}}
     /* Bowl-shape */     difference {torus {1.3,2 translate <-4,6.1,0>} torus {1.3,1.7 translate <-4,6.1,0>} cylinder {<-4,0,0>,<-4,8,0>,1.3} plane {<0,-1,0>,-6.1}}
     /* Bowl-shape */     difference {torus {3.4,.4 translate <-4,6.1,0>} torus {3.4,.1 translate <-4,6.1,0>} cylinder {<-4,6.1,0>,<-4,8,0>,3.4 inverse}}
     /* "Tabletop" */     difference {box {<-7.6,6.2,-1>,<-.4,6.5,3.6>} cylinder {<-4,6,0>,<-4,7,0>,3.4}}
     // Straight piece of pipe betw. sink and trap:
     difference {cylinder {<-4,2,0>,<-4,4,0>,1} cylinder {<-4,1,0>,<-4,5,0>,.9}}
     // The siphon trap:
     #object {SemicircPipe translate <-2 ,2,0>}
     #object {SemicircPipe rotate <0,0,180> translate <2,2,0>}
     // Large sewer pipe with connection to siphon trap:
     difference {
       merge {
         blob {threshold 0.5 cylinder {<2,10,0>,<2,-3,0>,.7,2.084} cylinder {<-100,-3,0>,<100,-3,0>,2,3}}
         cylinder {<-.3,-3,0>,<.3,-3,0>,1.7 translate <-3,0,0>}  // "Joints"
         cylinder {<-.3,-3,0>,<.3,-3,0>,1.7 translate <1,0,0>}   // between
         cylinder {<-.3,-3,0>,<.3,-3,0>,1.7 translate <3,0,0>}   // "sections"
         cylinder {<2,-1,0>,<2,-.8,0>,.6}                        // of pipe
       blob {threshold 0.8 cylinder {<2,10,0>,<2,-3,0>,.7,2.324} cylinder {<-100,-3,0>,<100,-3,0>,2,3}}
       plane {<0,-1,0>,-1}
       scale 2
     } // (end of merge containing all the pipework)
   plane {<0,0,1>,0}  // Cuts away one half to see inside
   texture {planar texture_map {
       [0.000 txtPipeMetal]
       [0.999 txtPipeMetal]
       [0.999 txtRedCutFace]
       [1.000 txtRedCutFace]
       } rotate <90,0,0>}}
   // Clean water inside lock:
   intersection {
     merge {
       #object {SemicircWater translate <-2 ,2,0>}
       #object {SemicircWater rotate <0,0,180> translate <2,2,0>}
       cylinder {<-4,2,0>,<-4,4,0>,.9001}
     box {<-9,-9,0>,<2,3.1,5>}
     material {CleanWater}
   // Dark greenish/brown "fumes" to symbolize foul smell from sewer
   difference {  // Shape of the volume of (smelly) air trapped behind the lock
     merge {
       difference {
         blob {threshold 0.8 cylinder {<2,10,0>,<2,-3,0>,.7,2.324} cylinder {<-100,-3,0>,<100,-3,0>,2,3} scale 2}
         plane {<0,-1,0>,-2}
       #object {SemicircWater rotate <0,0,180> translate <2,2,0>}
     plane {<0,0,1>,0}
     plane {<0,1,0>,-5.999}
     box {<-9,0,-5>,<2,3.1001,5>}
     pigment {color rgbt 1}
     interior {
       media {
         intervals 10 samples 1,1 confidence 0.9 variance 1/128 ratio 0.9
         absorption rgb<.38,.33,.6>  method 1 density {granite scale 10}
   // "Bad" water in sewer pipe:
   intersection {
     cylinder {<-100,-6,0>,<100,-6,0>,2.351226}
     box {<-100,-20,-.4>,<100,-7,5>}
     material {FilthyWater}
 union {   // Line and arrow indicating the "depth" of the lock
   #local Cnt=0;     // Loop to make dot-dashed line
   #while (Cnt<16)
     box {<-5.3+Cnt*.5,3.08,-.0001>,<-5+Cnt*.5,3.12,0>}
     #local Cnt=Cnt+1;    
   triangle {<-2,3.1,0>,<-2.2,2.6,0>,<-1.8,2.6,0>}
   triangle {<-2,0.9,0>,<-2.2,1.4,0>,<-1.8,1.4,0>}
   box {<-2.05,1.4,-.00001>,<-1.95,2.6,0>}
   pigment {color rgb 0} no_shadow no_reflection
 union { // Number annotations
   text {ttf "timesbd.ttf","1",.001,0 translate <-1.8,2.2,0>}  // 1: Drain from sink, WC, etc.
   text {ttf "timesbd.ttf","2",.001,0 translate <2.5,.5,0>}    // 2: Water level on sewer side
   text {ttf "timesbd.ttf","3",.001,0 translate <-1.8,.3,0>}   // 3: Water level on drain side
   text {ttf "timesbd.ttf","4",.001,0 translate <3.3,-2,0>}    // 4: Connection to sewer
   text {ttf "timesbd.ttf","5",.001,0 translate <0,-1.6,0>}  // 5: Water inside siphon lock  
   scale .00001
   translate <0,0,-13.88692>
   pigment {color rgb 0}
   rotate <13.74679514,15.47863817,0>
   translate <-2.4,1.7,0>
 camera {
   location <-6,5,-13>
   look_at <-2.4,1.7,0>
   angle 55
 #declare Spotty=pigment { // Pattern for "spotty
    bumps                   // surroundings", to
    color_map {             // make metal look
      [0 color rgb 0]       // "really metallic".
      [1 color rgb 1]
    scale .3
 sky_sphere {pigment { // Combine spotty pattern
   gradient z          // with a neutral, white
   pigment_map {       // background for the a-
     [0 Spotty]        // rea the camera "sees".
     [.9 Spotty]
     [.8 color rgb 1]
     [1 color rgb 1]
   translate -.5
   scale 2
   rotate <19,15.4,0>
 light_source {<-100,70,-230> color rgb 1}

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hiện tại06:47, ngày 7 tháng 7 năm 2015Hình xem trước của phiên bản lúc 06:47, ngày 7 tháng 7 năm 2015800×600 (150 kB)wikimediacommons>CmdrjamesonCompressed with pngout. Reduced by 67kB (31% decrease).

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